
Celestial Navigation – Complete Set

Original price was: £36.00.Current price is: £31.95.

Complete Set of Eight Sight Reduction Forms
Save 10% by buying the full set.

Product Information

 Complete Set of Eight Celestial Navigation Sight Reduction Forms

For sale at a 10% saving by buying the set.

The Celestial Navigation set comprising of the following seven Sight Forms.

  • Sun Sight Form
  • Sun Meridian Passage Sight Form.
  • Polaris Sight Form.
  • Selected Stars Sight Form.
  • Planet Sight Form.
  • Moon Sight Form.
  • Star Sight Form
  • Compass Deviation Check Form.

The Sun Sight, Sun Meridian Passage and The Compass Deviation check are all required as part of the RYA Ocean Yachtmaster qualification.

Often considered a black art, Celestial Navigation, also known as Astro Navigation, is actually pretty straightforward.  Using a sextant is simply a matter of a bit of practice and the Sight Reduction part is all about locating information and then some simple adding or subtraction.

Matt Encapsulated A4 Sight forms. One side has a completed example with notes explaining where the information is obtained and how it is used.

Can be written on with 2B pencil.

Designed for use with the Rapid Sight Reduction Tables NP303 Vol.1, Vol.2, or Vol.3, previously known as the Air Tables AP3270. Vol.1, Vol. 2 or vol.3 and the Nautical Almanac or their US equivalents.

The Nautical Almanac is jointly published by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) as NP314, and the United States Naval Observatory (USNO). There is also a commercial edition published by Celestaire, who also publish HO-249, the three volumes of Sight Reduction Tables. The Celestaire volumes tend to be very good value.


For full description of each form read the details for individual items.
NB. Colour of cards may differ from image.

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Additional information

Weight .25 kg
Dimensions 31 × 22 × 1 cm

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